§ 1 Name, registered office
1) The association bears the name: "DENK - German Development Funding for Nepalese Children".
2) It is based in Waldbröl.
§ 2 Legal form, financial year
1) The association should be entered in the register of associations of the Siegburg district court.
After entry in the register of associations, it has the addition "eV".
2) The financial year of the association is identical to the calendar year.
§ 3 purpose of the association
1) The eV pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the section "Tax beneficiaries
Purposes "of the tax code.
2) The purpose of the association is the non-material and financial support and promotion of Nepalese children,
Young people and families in need, especially the promotion of school education and vocational training
Training, promoting and improving medical care and health care that
Promotion and support with reintegration in families.
3) The purpose of the articles of association is achieved in particular through financial donations that are earmarked for
the support of children's homes, in particular the “Nepali Dalit Oppressed Welfare Center” (center for
Supporting oppressed, casteless Nepalese children), Lamjung near Pokhara.
4) The association is selflessly active; it does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes within the meaning of the tax code.
The association's funds may only be used for statutory purposes. The members
do not receive any donations from the funds of the association. No person may by spending that is the purpose
are alien to the corporation or benefit from disproportionately high remuneration.
5) The members of the association's organs are entitled to compensation for those they have incurred
necessary expenses and expenses approved by the board of directors. For the time spent by the members
of the organs of the association, the general assembly can resolve an appropriate amount of remuneration. It
it is also permissible to pay the expenses at a flat rate based on the maximum tax rates.
6) The association is politically, ethically and denominationally neutral.
§ 4 Membership
1) Any natural or legal person can become a member of the association. In the case of minors, consent is required
of the legal representative necessary. The decision on admission is made after a written report is available
Request of the board. Against the negative decision can appeal to the next within one month
ordinary general assembly.
2) The award of honorary membership is only possible after a decision by the general meeting.
§ 5 membership fee
1) There is an annual membership fee.
2) The amount and due date of the membership fee are determined by the general assembly by resolution.
3) The amount of the fee can be set differently according to member groups, as far as this is objectively justified
§ 6 Termination of Membership
1) Membership ends upon death.
2) The members of the association are entitled to resign.
3) The resignation of a member is only possible at the end of the year. It takes place by means of a written declaration
the board of directors with a notice period of 3 months.
§ 7 exclusion
1) The association is excluded by a resolution of the board of directors. A club member can through the board
be excluded with immediate effect if it seriously violates the goals and interests of the association
has, no longer met the requirements of the statutes or despite a reminder with the contribution for 6 months
remains in arrears.
2) The member must be given the opportunity to comment before the decision on the exclusion is passed
become. The exclusion decision must be justified, unless the reasons for the exclusion
known to the person concerned and the exclusion facts are beyond dispute. The exclusion decision becomes effective
with the notification to the person concerned. Against the exclusion resolution can within a
Deadline of 4 weeks after notification of the exclusion, a complaint can be made to the next general meeting
§ 8 Rights and duties of the members
1) The members are entitled to use the facilities and facilities of the association and at all events
to participate.
2) The members are obliged to promote the purpose of the association and to refrain from anything that affects the reputation of the
Could endanger the club. The orders of the association's organs are to be obeyed.
3) The association rules and the rules of procedure are to be observed.
4) The board of directors must be informed promptly of any change of residence.
§ 9 organs of the association
Organs of the association are:
1) the general assembly,
2) the board of directors.
The general assembly can resolve the formation of further organs of the association.
§ 10 General Assembly
1) The general assembly includes all association members with one vote each. Members from the completed
16 years of age have the active voting right.
2) The general meeting is called by the board of directors. The general meeting is
to convene at least once in the second quarter of each calendar year. The convocation also takes place if
an urgent interest of the association requires this or at least 10% of the members make a corresponding request
to the board of directors. The minority request according to § 37 Abs. 1 BGB is only taken into account if the
Written request lists the purpose and reasons for the meeting.
3) The convocation takes place through publication in the form of circulars. Alternatively, a written
Invitation, which is also sent to the e-mail address last announced by the member. The
Topics on the agenda are to be presented. A notice period of 14 days must be observed. The deadline
starts on the day of publication.
§ 11 Resolutions of the General Assembly
1) If the invitation is duly received, the general assembly is irrespective of the number of attendees
Members quorate. It elects a meeting leader from among its members.
2) Resolutions are made openly by the show of hands, unless the assembly determines otherwise
Majority of votes met. In the event of a tie, an application is considered rejected.
3) For resolutions on amendments to the articles of association and for resolutions on the dissolution of the association as well as for
Resolutions according to § 12 Paragraph 8 of these statutes deviate from (2) 3/4 of those in the general meeting
votes cast required. The consent of all members is required to change the purpose of the association
required. The consent of the members who did not appear must be given in writing; if not uttered
consent is deemed to have been given within two months of the announcement.
§ 12 Duties of the General Assembly
1) The general assembly, as the highest decision-making body of the association, is fundamentally responsible for all tasks
responsible, provided that certain tasks according to these statutes are not transferred to another organ of the association
have been.
2) The general assembly elects the board from among the members. Elected are the people who
to unite most of the votes. The election takes place in secret with ballot papers. It's a choice through
Raising of hands possible, provided that the general meeting unanimously resolves this.
3) The general assembly can vote out members of the board.
4) The general assembly decides on applications from members that are excluded by the board of directors
should be.
5) The general assembly takes the annual report of the board of directors and the audit report
of the auditor and grants discharge to the board.
6) The general assembly has to decide on amendments to the statutes and dissolution of the association.
7) The general meeting must submit the annual accounts and the annual report for the purpose of passing resolutions on the
Submit approval and discharge of the board of directors in writing. The general assembly appoints
two auditors who are elected by the general assembly for 2 years (alternately).
They are not allowed to belong to the board of directors or to a committee appointed by the board of directors, and they may not be employees
of the association to check the bookkeeping including the annual financial statements and to present the result
to report to the general assembly. The auditors have access to all accounting and accounting documents
of the club.
8) In particular, the general assembly also decides on
a) Purchase, sale and encumbrance of real estate
b) Participation in companies
c) taking out loans
d) Approval of all rules of procedure for the association area
e) membership fees
9) The general assembly can decide on further matters which it has received from the board of directors or from
to be submitted to the membership.
§ 13 The Board of Directors
1) The board consists of the 1st chairman, the deputy chairman, the treasurer and
the secretary.
2) The members of the board are elected by the general assembly for 2 years. Enter
Board member during the term of office, the board can appoint a substitute member from among the
Elect members of the association for the remaining term of office of the resigned. An extraordinary general meeting
A replacement election must be convened immediately if fewer than 2 board members remain.
3) Except for death or the expiry of an electoral term, the office of a board member expires upon resignation
or expulsion from the association, through removal from office or resignation. All board members remain
even after the end of their regular term of office until they are re-elected.
4) The general assembly can at any time by electing a new board the entire board or
remove an individual board member from office.
5) The board members can declare their resignation in writing at any time. The declaration of withdrawal is on
one remaining board member, in the event of the resignation of the entire board, to the secretary
judge. However, the declaration of resignation does not take effect until 1 month after receipt.
§ 14 Area of responsibility of the board
1) The executive board is responsible for managing and representing the association.
2) He carries out the resolutions of the general assembly and takes care of those assigned to him by these statutes
Tasks as well as the business of the day-to-day administration in own responsibility.
3) The board represents the association in and out of court in all association matters
of § 26 Paragraph 2 BGB.
4) The members of the board of directors have full power of representation. The association is made up of at least 2 members
represented by the board.
5) The board is responsible to the general assembly. He has the ordinary general meeting
to submit a detailed report on its work.
§ 15 Protocols
The resolutions of the board of directors and the general assembly are recorded in writing and are available
Available to members for inspection. In the minutes the place and time of the meeting as well as the respective
Voting results are recorded. The minutes are to be made by the chairman of the meeting and the secretary
Section 16 Disciplinary Penalties
The association is entitled to take action against members who intentionally violate the statutes, the rules of procedure or against
Violate orders of the organs to impose the following regulatory measures:
1) Warning or reprimand,
2) Exclusion from the association according to § 7 of these statutes.
§ 17 liability
For damages of any kind, which a club member through the use of the club facilities or
the association is only liable if an organ member or
any other person for whom the association is responsible according to the provisions of civil law, intent or
gross negligence is charged.
§ 18 Dissolution and use of the association's assets
If the association is dissolved or annulled or if tax-privileged purposes no longer apply, the assets of the
Association to a legal entity under public law or another tax-privileged corporation
for charitable use.
§ 19 Coming into Force
These statutes were adopted at the founding meeting on May 15, 2011 and are therefore in force
Waldbröl, May 15, 2011