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denk-ev - foerderung-nepalesischer-kinde

A basis for development

What's going on? ... at DENK and in Nepal

Nepaltag  im Naturerlebnispark Panarbora 

Nachdem wir unseren beliebten Nepaltag viele Jahre am gleichen Ort gefeiert haben, möchten  wir​ etwas Neues ausprobieren.

Der Naturerlebnispark "Panarbora" ,ist für sich schon einen Besuch wert. Mit seinem 

  • 1.635 m langen Baumwipfelpfad mit interaktiven Lernstationen

  • großen Abenteuerspielplatz & Spieltunnel

  • Heckenirrgarten & Sinnesrundweg

  • Kräutergarten & Feuchtraum-Biotop

  • Kleintiergehege & Eselreiten

kommen Groß und Klein auf ihre Kosten.

Im Rahmen des Sommerfestes in Panarbora, mit vielen zusätzlichen Aktionen, möchten wir unseren Verein mit einem kleinen Stand, bekannt machen.  Es gibt, wie jedes Jahr, viele Bilder, eine Diashow, und aktuelle Informationen von unseren Kindern. Außerdem schenken wir leckeren, nepalesischen Chai-Tee aus. Und natürlich darf unser beliebter Nepalshop nicht fehlen. Dort findet Ihr allerlei Exotisches aus Nepal. Gewürze, bunte Wandbehänge, schöne Textilien, Taschen, Räucherwerk und vieles mehr, alles original aus Nepal.

Der Erlös fließt wie immer zu 100 % in unsere Projekte. Kommt vorbei und besucht uns, wir freuen uns auf Euch.

                                                                    Wann: Samstag, 14. September von 11 bis 17 Uhr

                                                                    Wo:      Naturerlebnispark Panarbora

                                                                                 Nutscheidstraße 1

                                                                                 51545 Waldbröl


Annual "Day for Nepal" in Waldbröl

The "Day for Nepal" will take place once again on 5 Septembre 2020 - we would be happy to see you there! More information will follow.


By now, our annual meeting "Day for Nepal" in Waldbröl  (near Cologne in Germany) has become a wonderful tradition. The meeting on 9 May 2015 was an exceptionally positive and harmonious one, even though the situation in Nepal is quite special. The programme not only included information on our children home project, delicious Nepali food and a warm get-together - the colourful Nepal-Shop was a real highlight again. There were shawls, prayer flags, honey and lots of decorations. The revenues of the shop as well as the general donations collected for DENK will be used to support our children's home project.

Earthquake in Nepal

Most likely you have followed the news about the earthquake in Nepal. Luckily our childrean are alright and safe. Pokhara is not so much affected as other parts of the country, especially the Gorkha District and the Kathmandu Valley.

In cooperation with our team in Nepal, we are going to help in the areas mostly affected by the earthquake. We will mainly focus on supporting the reconstructions of schools. Our Nepali friends, with whom we are running the children's home, are coordinating the aid and are in direct contact with the people. 

If you wish to support us, you are invited to transfer your donation to our account. We are a registered non-profit, charitable organisation. Bank contact: If you fill in "earthquake relief" as subject in your transferal, your contribution will be used as such. Otherwise, it will flow into our children's home project. 

Thank you very much for your empathy and your questions about the situation. We all are very touched by the events. Let's send positive thoughts. Not to lose faith in the face of all this - that's what these people also need beside the practical help.

Crowdfunding on

Our current funding target aims at kitchen equipment: Last year, we could build a new kitchen for the children's home. In order for the kids to be able to use it properly, we need to equip it with kitchen cabinets and cupboards as well as a whole bunch of kitchen utensils, of course.

We are planning our next funding targets on the crowdfunding platform Betterplace.

You can find our DENK project under (the website is in German only). We are grateful for your comments and ideas on the subject.

Thanks to generous donations, we could raise the funds for a library with books, games and musical instruments as well as two lockers by these means. We thank all the donors who helped in making this possible.

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